A Good Friday Reflection, 3pm on 15th April.
A moment to stop and reflect on how our belief determines how we respond to life and death, grief and hope. Join us online for this time together. |
There is a long tradition of followers of Jesus praying at sunrise on Easter Sunday.
Join us on Coombe Hill (See here) for Worship and Prayer. Sunrise is at 6:04am! So you may want to arrive a little earlier!!! |
Bible passages to reflect on over Easter:
Journey to the CrossChoose a Bible Passage below for each day of Holy Week, 2021.What stands out? How would you retell it? How will you respond? Who will you share with?
Mon 29 March: RANSOM Matthew 20:17-28 Tue 30 March: CROSS Mark 8:31-38 Wed 31 March: ARREST Mark 14:32-52 Thu 1 April: TRIAL Luke 22:66-23:25 Fri 2 April: DEATH Luke 23:26-56 Sat 3 April: GRIEF John 16:16-33 Sun 4 April: RESURRECTION Matt 28:1-19 |
Journey from the TombChoose a Bible Passage below for each day of Easter Week, 2021. What stands out? How would you retell it? How will you respond? Who will you share with?
Mon 5 April: WITNESSES Acts 1:1-11 Tue 6 April: POWER Acts 2:1-40 Wed 7 April: COURAGE Acts 4:1-20 Thu 8 April: TRANSFORMED Acts 9:1-22 Fri 9 April: FOOLISHNESS 1 Cor 1:18-31 Sat 10 April: RAISED 1 Cor 15:1-58 Sun 11 April: ALIVE Ephesians 2:1-22 |