Jesus said that the greatest commandment is ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ We want to be people who “in view of God’s mercy, to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is our true and proper worship. We chose not to conform with the pattern of this world, but seek to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. (Romans 12:1-2) Therefore we value:
(i) Gathering frequently to encourage each other to live a Spirit filled lifestyle that is holy and pleasing to God.
(ii) Practicing daily disciplines (or habits), which cause an intimacy and reverence of God to permeate our lives.
(iii) Cultivating a relationship with God that is vibrant, strong and radiates the light of the Kingdom into all our relationships.
(i) Gathering frequently to encourage each other to live a Spirit filled lifestyle that is holy and pleasing to God.
(ii) Practicing daily disciplines (or habits), which cause an intimacy and reverence of God to permeate our lives.
(iii) Cultivating a relationship with God that is vibrant, strong and radiates the light of the Kingdom into all our relationships.
Worship is our highest priority.
When asked what the most important command was, Jesus answered "The most important one, is this: 'Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." Mark 12:29-30 This was the Creed of the Jews. The essence of Jewish life. The core of Jewish society in Jesus' day. And shockingly Jesus adds to it by saying "The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." Worship changes us. Worship makes us more human. Everyone worships something. We all find value and meaning in something. What do you worship? |
The Sunday Gathering
Each week we gather together on Sunday Morning at Foleshill Comunity Centre, (757 Foleshill Rd, Coventry, CV6 5HS). From 10:30am to 12:30pm. Sunday morning is about being church together. But living a life of worship is much, much more than what we do for 2 hours on Sunday. We live out this life of worship in our homes, at work, with our family, friends and neighbours. |
As a Vineyard church we have five worship values: Intimacy, Accessibility, Integrity, Kingdom Expectation and Passion.
Intimacy with God is the primary destination for us as we worship. We draw near to God, and he draws near to us. As we encounter his presence in worship, we cultivate a deep connection with him. Intimacy is not a musical style or a tone of voice; it is a posture of our hearts. |
As worshipping communities, we extend the welcome of Jesus to people; inviting them to enter into his Presence. We are intentional about bringing people with us on a journey of worship by building as many bridges both musically and pastorally. From the style of music, to the songs that we sing, we are creating environments for people to participate in worship. |
Our desire is that the songs that we sing, would match the lives that we lead. While we value the form that our worship takes, we place an even greater value on the formation of our community. Our gathered times of worship are powerful places of transformation. We enter God’s presence not as we think we should be, but come as we are. And yet, we don’t remain as we are; we are renewed and become increasingly like Jesus. |
In worship we welcome the King and his Kingdom. We cultivate an expectation that God will speak, move, heal, deliver and perform miracles among us as we worship. We experience in part what we will ultimately know in full: our complete restoration in God’s Kingdom. |
Passion is the expression of a fire in our hearts for God. As we worship, we not only affirm our love for God, but we learn to love what he loves. We are authentic in our worship, whether we are in a season of joyful celebration or a time of deep sorrow. As worshipping communities, we choose to be present to Jesus and engage with what He is doing in us and in our community. |