Kingdom Journey: Discovering the story that restores humanity
This would be a great Journey to explore the story of the whole Bible. We have taken key moments in the Biblical narrative that highlight the nature and impact of the Kingdom of God. If you are looking at Journeying through the Bible in a year, these six eight-stage journeys would just about fit over 12 months. Alternatively it would also fit (almost) as a daily Lent Journey! This gives a wonderful overview of the whole Kingdom Story, or what Tom Wright describes as five acts: Creation, Fall, Israel, Jesus, Church, with us now living in the final fifth act, continuing the story. (See Scripture and the Authority of God)
Part One
1 - BEGINNINGS Genesis 1:1-2 2 - GOOD Genesis 1: 3-28 (* John 1:1-5) 3 - IMAGE Genesis 1:26-28 (*Col 1:15-20) 4 - PURPOSE Genesis 2:1-17 (* 1 Peter 2:9) 5 - RELATIONSHIP Genesis 2:18-25 6 - REBELLION Genesis 3:1-10 7 - CONSEQUENCES Genesis 3:14-24 8 - FALLOUT Genesis 4:1-12 to 9:8-17 |
Part Two
9 - BLESSED Genesis 12:1-5 10 - FAMLY Exodus 1:1-22 11 - EXODUS Exodus 2:23-25/3:1-17 12 - NATION Exodus 19:1-8 13 - LAW Exodus 20:1-21 14 - HOMELAND Joshua 1:1-9 15 - MISSION Isaiah 42:1-9 16 - WARFARE Deuteronomy 6:13-19 |
Part Three
17 - MONARCHY 1 Samuel 8:1-22 18 - UNITED 2 Samuel 5:1-5 / 7:8-16 19 - TEMPLE 1 Kings 8:6-21 20 - DIVIDED 1 Kings 12:1-25 21 - PSALMS Psalm 47 22 - WISDOM Proverbs 1:1-7 23 - PROPHETS Jeremiah 1:1-19 24 - EXILE Jeremiah 29:1-14 |
Part Four
25 - CAPTIVITY Daniel 9:1-19 26 - DESPAIR Ezekiel 6:1-14 27 - HOPE Isaiah 9:1-7 28 - MESSIAH Isaiah 53:1-12 29 - EMMANUEL Matthew 1:18-24 30 - KINGDOM Matthew 4:12-17 31 - FULFILLMENT Matthew 5:17-20 32 - GOSPEL Luke 4:13-44 |
Part Five
33 - TRUTH John 8:31-47 34 - GRACE John 1:14-18 35 - PARABLES Matthew 13:1-23 36 - IDENTITY Mark 8:27-30 37 - LIBERATION Matthew 11:1-6 38 - APPRENTICES Luke 9:1-6, 10:1-3 39 - CHURCH Matthew 16:17-20 40 - EXPECTATIONS Mark 11:1-11 |
Part Six
41 - HOLY Matthew 20:12-17 42 - ACTS Acts 1:1-8 43 - RENEWAL Revelation 21:1-5 44 - REDEMPTION Ephesians 1:3-14 45 - FINISHED John 19:16-30 46 - WAITING Romans 8:18-25 47 - RESURRECTION 1 Corinthians 15:1-28 48 - MULTIPLICATION Matthew 28:18-20 |
discover_the_story_2017.pdf |