“Values affect what we think and consequently, what we do. Our values are an intrinsic part of us, although we seldom think about them in a conscious fashion. They determine the ideas, principles and concepts a person or group can accept, assimilate, remember and transmit” - John Wimber
Value 01: Encourage Worship in Everyday Life
Worship is our highest priority. We are changed by what (or who) we worship. Humans are made in the image of God, when we worship God we become more human. In this talk, Nick looks at the importance of worship and what Jesus said about how we are to worship in spirit and in truth. Value 02: Equipped for life
Jesus called people to follow him, to learn from him. He equipped his disciples for life and to live under the rule and reign of the Kingdom of God. In this talk Nick explains how we 'make disciples' and equip one another in Coventry Vineyard Value 03: Express Love
As a church we look for ways to demonstrate God’s love and grace, justice and mercy to the World. In this talk Nick explains how our faith is not static, but propels us out into our communities and neighbourhoods to minister God's grace and mercy in real and practical ways. Valuing others: Being Invitational
"Church exists for the benefit of it's non members" wrote William Temple, but how will those outside church know? In this talk, Vicki Sutton challenges us to be invitational and to overcome our fear of inviting friends, neighbours and colleagues to encounter Jesus and to invite Coventry to Alpha. |
All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. - Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20) “We are not called by God to do extraordinary things, but to do ordinary things with extraordinary love. ”
-Jean Vanier For Sukhi's story, shared at the end of this talk, click on the image above
Previous talks...
Who is Jesus? Who is Jesus to you? Throughout the four gospels there are accounts of people who encountered Jesus. This Summer we will be looking at some of these encounters and asking what does it mean to encounter him personally. As we reach out to Jesus, we find that he has already reached out to us. As we encounter Jesus, we find that our lives take on a new purpose and a new meaning. Will you encounter Jesus this summer? To access the talks click here. |
The first followers of Jesus, the early church that we read about in the book of Acts, had an irresistible quality about them. Empowered and guided by the Holy Spirit, they influenced and transformed the world around them. In this series of talks we will look at seven aspects of this culture that made church irresistible to others. To access the talks click here. PRESENCE - POWER - GRACE - GROWTH - BELONG - COMPASSION - RENEWAL |
The book of Psalms is the prayer book of the Bible. Found in the Old Testament, the Psalms are a collection of 150 songs drawn from the experience of life. Through good times and bad, trouble and turmoil or celebration and contentment, the Psalms give voice to the cries of our hearts. Forget any idea that these are sweet or cute songs, these are not prayers for 'nice people' but personal, authentic and often brutally honest. These songs are prayers which enable us to bring everything in our lives before a God who loves us. Through this series our hope is that as a church we will develop a deeper life of prayer and allow our hearts to sing "Songs in the Key of Life". |
THE GOSPELWe all love to hear good news. What if there was news that was so good that it changed everything? Literally everything. In this series, we will look at how 'the Gospel' transforms life. We will answer the questions: What is the Gospel? How can we communicate the Gospel to our friends and neighbours and still communicate 'Good News?! To access the talks click here.